Blog Post



19 September 2022

Executive summary
Like consumers worldwide, European users of audiovisual piracy sites, apps, Illegal Streaming Devices, and Set-Top Boxes (STBs), often perceive that they can get “something for nothing” by using these services. Piracy is often perceived to be a victimless crime. The evidence presented in this study shows that the victim is the consumer, through the targeted delivery and installation of malicious software (malware) onto consumer devices, while they use audiovisual piracy sites, apps, ISDs and STBs. The impact of these malware infections can result in identity theft and fraud for the consumer, but also, lateral movement and further infection on any corporate network that they are connected to, such as remote working at home through a Virtual Private Network (VPN). Consumer behaviour is a direct threat to corporate networks, and the commercial consequences could be devastating, especially as more workers choose a flexible work pattern.

This study examined malware infection techniques across a broad range of actors targeting European consumers, finding that malware can be downloaded through malicious advertising, malicious popups, fake browser extension installations, browser notification hijacking, blocking notifications, adware, malicious software installation and banner ads. Furthermore, the study found an average 57% chance of an audiovisual piracy app being installed with embedded malware. 

While European policymakers have focused on strengthening cybersecurity protections for many years, in practical terms – compared to Asian consumers in a similar study – there was no appreciable impact of these protections when visiting audiovisual piracy sites in relation to malware risk. The results of this study suggest that European regulatory frameworks need to focus on preventing consumer access to malicious audiovisual piracy sites, apps and STBs, through an expansion of regulatory site blocking, while acknowledging the risk of piracy-driven malware driving identity theft, in relation to the rollout of the European Digital Identity, and similar policy initiatives.

The full report can be downloaded from here
by AAPA 28 May, 2024
The Audiovisual Anti-Piracy Alliance (AAPA) has announced the appointment of Miruna Herovanu as its Executive Director. Miruna was previously the Director at the Association of Commercial Television and Video on Demand in Europe in charge of Intellectual Property and Competition policies. She took up her position with AAPA on 27 May 2024 and will be based in Brussels. Miruna will replace Sheila Cassells who is retiring as Executive Vice President of AAPA and will report on a day-to-day basis to the two Co-Presidents, Mark Mulready, VP of Cyber Services at Irdeto and Oliver Pribramksy, Head of IP Protection and Committees at the Deutsche Fussball Liga. She will be responsible for the implementation of the strategy agreed by AAPA members, managing relationships with law enforcement agencies such as Europol, Eurojust, INTERPOL and the European Institutions, delivery of AAPA’s Working Group goals and general management of the Alliance. Mark Mulready said that: “We are delighted to appoint someone of Miruna’s calibre and experience to become the Executive Director of AAPA. Miruna’s commitment to copyright protection is well-known. Her knowledge of the Brussels institutions and the EUIPO will stand AAPA in good stead for future policy developments. A priority will be for Miruna to work closely with AAPA members, the EUIPO and the European Institutions to deliver on, inter alia, the goals of combatting online piracy of sports and other live events recommendation.” Miruna Herovanu commented that: “My professional experience demonstrated that piracy is an ever-growing issue that eats at the heart of Europe’s most important industries. This is a golden opportunity and a new professional challenge that will help further develop my passion for and commitment to protecting copyright. Being able to work with and support industry experts and practitioners in AAPA, law enforcement, the European Institutions and other trade associations is essential to the fight against piracy. I am excited to be taking on this role.”
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